Top 5

5 Easy House Plants

Easy house plants that anyone can grow
5 easy house plants. plant, plants, house

If you are looking to add some green to your home or just want a happy house plant here are 5 easy house plants to get you started.

  1. Snake Plant/ Mother-in-laws tongue
snake plant, mother in-law tongue, easy, plant, house plant
Snake plant

This plant is a staple to any doctor office or corporate business center and with good reason. The Snake plant is one of the most versatile and easy to care for plants out there. It needs very little light to grow, and it recovers quickly from periods of under or over watering. This plant is a great for beginners and experts alike.

2. Lucky Bamboo
Lucky bamboo, cane, hydoplant, easy, plant, house plant

Lucky bamboo are extremely easy to care for, all they need is some water and moderate indirect sunlight and you will have your self one happy Dracaena sanderiana– the real name of these plants. Did you know they aren’t actually a bamboo but a cane?

3. Pathos
pathos, marble queen, easy, plant. houseplant

Everyone needs a good Pathos in their life, it’s your turn! These plants can handle it all, low light? Sure! Missed watering? yup! Being cut off and replanted? You bet’cha! Pathos are easy plants because they are very adaptable and easy to grow. Find a variegation that speaks to you and put it on a shelf and watch it vine!

4. ZZ plant
zz plant, succulent, easy, plant, house plant

The ZZ plants shorted from its fancy name of Zamioculcas Zamifolia. This is hands down the easiest plant to care for. It thrives on neglect! Give it a nice place to live with bright to medium light and remember to water it every few weeks and just like that you will have a happy healthy ZZ!

5. FlapJack Plant
flapjack,plant, succulent, easy, house plant
Flap Jack plant

This easy plant is aptly named after its large round leafs. The Flapjack is a type of succulent. In it’s natural desert habitat it only needs two things to thrive; sunlight and an occasional watering. This desert plant can take a skipped watering or two and wont mind some extra light. Making it perfect for any one who needs a little green in their life.

Now, get out there and grow! Not sure what to do now that you have a plant? Follow this Easy Mode guide!