
EasyMode: Pink Princess Philodendron

So you got a your hands on a Pink Princess Philodendron, now how do you care for it? I got you covered with this easy Pink Princess care guide.

easy Pink Princess care

Where are they from

Pink Princesses are a human made hybrid made in the 1970s by crossbreeding two different types of philodendrons.
Because of this they can not be grown from a seed ( There are pink princess seeds, don’t do it). They are tricky to cultivate and due to the high demand they can seem hard to get your hands on.


The right lighting is key to keep these beautiful. To get the most color or variation out of your Pink Princess keep it in indirect bright light. If it gets too much bright light it will turn yellow and get burn spots. If it doesn’t get enough sunlight you could lose some of the pink color.


Like all Philodendrons, the Pink Princess doesn’t require a lot of water. Water when your soil is dry or about every 7-10 days. The difference in watering time will come from the type of soil you use, I recommend using an Aroid soil, I wrote a guide here.

Don’t Over Love

These Pink Princesses are easy to care for don’t over love them. Do not repot unless they show clear signs such as slow growth or growing out of the pot. When it gets big enough, give them a totem pole to vine up to support their growth.

Looking for more new plants check out this guide here!