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5 Easy Tips to Keep Your Plants Alive

5 easy care tips to follow to keep your house plants alive and thrive. Anyone can care for plants, this guide can help

easy tip to keep plants alive, easy tip, plants alive
  1. Know where your plants come from

This can sound more daunting than it actually is, Easy mode is to read the tag the plant comes with and that will give all the information that you need to know. If the plants tag says “keep moist” its a clear indication that you got yourself a tropical plant. If the plant tag say “water when dry” then, yup you guessed it, its a more desert plant. That’s it just read the tag! If the plant didn’t come with a tag or your still unsure keep reading, we will get through this together!

2. To water or not to water?

Did you water your plant last week? or the week before that? The easiest tip is when in doubt, don’t water. If you haven’t invested in a hydrometer and you can’t tell if the soil is moist or your hand is just sweaty, give your plants a few days. If your plant gives you signs of dehydration such as wilting or wrinkly leafs then its time to hydrate.

Easy Pro Tips: Set a routine to water plants such as Friday is “Fresh water Friday.” It will save you from the water debate.

3. Sunshine

Knowing plants sun requirements can seem obvious, just put it where it gets the most sun? Nope sorry, there are some sensitive plants out there that leafs can get burnt quick if they get direct sunlight. There are also plants that will start changing colors due to lack of light to make chlorophyll- the stuff that makes plants green.

So where do you put your plants? Does it have large green leafs? Does it need to be kept moist? A South facing window with filtered light is your best best. Succulent? Near a window to get as much sun as they can. Still don’t know? Give it medium light and watch the leafs, if they reach toward the sun then give it more bright sunlight. If it changes colors to a sad yellow with brown spots, then the plant is getting too much light and would be happier with less light.

Easy Pro Tips: There is no such thing as a “no light” plant.

4. Keep it in the nursery pot

The plastic pot the new plant comes in is called a nursery pot. For most this plastic pot doesn’t match the rest of the house decor and it can be tempting to quickly repot in to a prettier, more tasteful pot. However, this can be very stressful on your plant. A quick fix is to simply put your nursery pot in to your detective pot until its ready.

How will you know its ready? Look for roots poking out the bottom of the nursery pot. The plant growing up and out of its container or just slow growth during growth periods such as spring.

5. Don’t over love it

Plants can have such a power effect on how you feel, it can be tempting to pour attention all over them or worry about every little spot or small leaf looking different. The best tip , just give your plant time, especially after you move it or just bring it home. Give your new plant some time to adjust to its new spot before you make any major adjustments.

Ready to grow? Check out these 5 Easy Plants here!