
Easy Mode: Monstera Deliciosas

Easy Monstera Deliciosa care guide from water to light we put growth in easy mode
Monstera Deliciousa, green plant, swiss cheese plant, care, water, light
Monstera Deliciousa

The Monstera Deliciousa its a big, green, beautiful plant that has been seen on everything from socks to head bands to wallpaper. This plant is the trendiest, classic plant appearing in different medias since the 1950’s! How do you care, water and light these classic beauties? Easily of course.

Where it’s from

Monsteras are native to Mexico and Panama it has also been seen as a mildly invasive species for Hawaii. This plant is use to high humility and warm tropical settings. Monsteras usual grow under the safety of trees avoiding direct sunlight that can potentially burn its large delicate leafs.


Even though these plants are use to humility, they don’t like the soil to be too moist. They prefer soil to be lightly moist to dry before watering. When in doubt look for signs of dehydration such as wilting leafs. If leafs turn yellow after watering the plant has been over watered. It should recover if left to dry out, note that a few leafs may be lost but it will survive! Monsteras also enjoy a good misting, look to spray the leafs or use a pebble tray to increase humility.


As said above these plants like to grow in shade of a tree, where they can get a variety of light from bright to low. For full green leafs, filtered south facing light is the best, but it will adapt to low light conditions. Be aware these plants burn very easy in direct sunlight and can die from being in direct sunlight for more than a few minuets .



Wait as until it gives you some clear signs such as roots growing out of the nursery pot or growing up and out of the pot. Remember, you can put the nursery pot in a decorative pot until its ready.

Don’t Over Love

The Monstera is eye catching and attention grabbing. You may be tempted to stress about every little speck and spot or weird leaf. Don’t worry! Monsteras are great communicators, and will tell you what they need.

They don’t need pruned, but if you want to keep them a certain shape its easy enough with clean sheers and a direct cut and with that trimming you can propagate your plant. (Instructions coming soon!)

Pro Tip: Monsteras are toxic to humans and pets! Wear gloves and wash your hands after handling your Monstera.

Ready to challenge your skills? Fiddle Fig is an excellent next step! Check out this Easy Mode Guide to get started!