
How to Fight a Spider Mite Invasion

How to fight a spider mite invasion and win!

spider mites

Getting mites can feel like a death sentence to your plants but it doesn’t have to be. I fought the mites and won, so can you!

To fight the invasion you need to identify the mites. They like to hide under the leaves of healthy plants. In the beginning they will look like small white dust on the bottom side of the leaf. As the invasion progresses they will migrate to the front of the leaf, and you can see tiny yellow bugs. By the time you notice little spider webs the invasion is in full force. Its okay, you can still fight this.

Full on spider mite invasion

Step 1- Spray Them Off

Spray all the leaves with water. Spray the leaves with a hose, facet or even a spray bottle. The goal is to spray the mites off the plants. If this is not possible use a damp paper towel. You need to use one paper towel per leaf to prevent contaminating a healthy leaf. Spraying them will not only spray them off but mites hate moisture. This is why they come out more in the Winter when it’s most dry in the house.

hose and neem
Hosed off and Neemed. Most of my plants got infected with spider mites. Lulu looking extra worried

Step 2- Neem

After the leaves have dried from their spray off with water, saturate the leafs with a diluted Neem oil. Neem oil is an organic and a natural oil from Neems trees . You can buy it pre-diluted or dilute it yourself. Let the leaves sit with the Neem oil until they dry. Do not wipe the leafs just let the Neem do its thing.


Read the label for correct use and protective equipment that is needed. Neem oil is natural but it can be irritating to humans/pets. Take the correct precautions.

Step 3

Although that should be enough to remove the Spider mites. This treatment may need to be repeated in a week.

Helpful Tips!

Keep the impacted plant in quarantine. The mites can travel through air, dirt or even a hydrometer. Its essential to keep infected plants separate until you know that it’s 100% mite free.

If you have done the above steps at least twice but still have mites it time to kick it in high gear.

Drastic Measures- NOT THE FIRST CHOICE

This is a quick fix but not a preventative fix. Its more labor intensive and damages the leaf. With precautions out of the way, use rubbing alcohol on a Q-tip to remove any remaining mites by gently rolling the Q-tip over the mites. This should be a last resort because it can damage the leaf. It can even “freeze” the leaf as the alcohol evaporates. It will kill the mites and ultimately save the plant but it could cost you a few leaves. This will need repeated until the mites are gone. But this will work!

You can see where the rubbing alcohol has been used to kill a massive mite infestation.

Don’t give up, these steps will help you fight a Spider mite invasion!

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