
Easy Mode Care: Philodendron Brasil

Brasil care
Check me out on the Gram

The Philodendron Brasil is a unique, quick growing vine that brings a lush feel to your home. This Philodendron Brasil care guide will teach you how to keep it alive.

Where its from

The Philodendron Brasil is from South America. Its actually a human made plant, designed and patented to have beautiful paint brush like strokes of different shades of green. They are often confused with Pothos due to their similar leaf shapes but brasil has less waxy leaves and feel more soft.


Brasil are very easy to care for. The plant needs watered every 7-10 days or when the first two inches of soil are dry. These are surprisingly hearty and they will start to wilt and the leaves will curl in when in needs water. Look for signs if you are in doubt. Remember, more plants die from over watering than under!

Brasil care guide


These plants can handle pretty much any light you give it. With more light you will get more of the light green splash. With low light it will still grow but it could impact the variegation. Aim to keep it in medium light to support the variegation.


Like all plants, don’t repot until it tells you it needs repotted. It will show signs such as slowed or stunted growth or growing out of the pot. When it’s time to repot ensure you give it a moisture and well draining soil. I made a guide here.

Lulu with Brasil

These plants are easy to grow and will add beautiful green to your home. Looking for some unique plants? check out these plants!