
Monstera Deliciosa Trouble Shooting

Monsteras can have brown spots, yellow leafs or slow growth. Monsteras are easy plants and surprisingly effective communicators. They do their best to tell you what they need and its up to you to read these signs and help diagnosed them before they kill the plant. Let’s dive in!

Why does my Monstera have brown spots?

brown spot
Monsteras brown yellow spots
Poor burnt leaf

Brown specks or spots are a sign of too much light. Typically they are small burn marks on the leafs. Try moving your plant to a place with less direct sunlight or make sure there is a sheer curtain in front of the window. Story time! I was moving my Mosntera from the car to my house by putting it on the drive way to get it out of the car and BOOM! That two minutes in the sun and it was burnt. (photo is of my poor Monsteras burnt leaf)

Why does my Monstera have Yellow Leafs?

yellow leaf
Monsteras brown yellow spots
Sad yellow leaf

Yellow leafs are a sign of over watering, typically the leafs at the bottom will yellow first. If you believe you over watered your plant let it dry out, snip away any yellow leafs with clean sheers. It should recover with time.

PRO TIP: Monsteras are Toxic to humans and animals, make sure you wash your hands after handling your Monstera!

Why does my Monstera have yellow and brown leafs?

Monsteras brown yellow spots
Wilty bottom leafs, WATER ME!

This is a sign of under watering, it will also wilt at the bottom first. so look for those signs firsts to prevent under watering. also the edges of leavs may begin to yellow. This is an easy fix, just water your Monstera! It needs watered once a about once a week in the summer and about 7-10 days in the winter. I highly recommend getting a hydrometer to test the soil to make sure its lightly dry before watering.

Why does my Monstera bottom leafs keep dying?

This is natural, the bottom leafs will die to give resources to new bigger leafs. Just cut the bottom leaf off with clean sheers and admire your beautiful plant.

Why isn’t my Monstera green?

Monsteras can take low light conditions but lack of light can make your Monstera pale green. If you want your monster to reach its full green potential get it some indirect light. If you cant move it a LED plant light will do!

Why is my Monstera not growing right?

Great news is that they can easily be shaped with a snip of clean sheers. Also Great news, with the trimming you can propagate! If it still doesn’t look right you can give it a moss pole in the direction you want it to grow and gently tie or band it to the pole to encourage growth

How do I know when to fertilize my Monstera?

Monsteras brown yellow spots
Yellowing Leaf edges

ok, buckle up this is where it can get complicated. It will give you the same signs as above, it will yellow and turn a pale green. So how do you know which one it is? Three questions 1. Is your plant old? If yes, then it probably needs fertilized. 2. Has it been a long time since you repotted your plant? If yes then it probably needs fertilized 3. Did you do all above and see no improvement? A light fertilizing of a 20-20-20 may be for your plant.

Now that you have found some answers get out there and grow!

Need a starting guide for the Monstera? Check it out here!