• Plants,  Top 5

    5 Easy Plants for the Newly Plant Obsessed

    Welcome to the plant addiction! Here you will find a wonderful community that loves plants, are very friendly and always ready to help. To take the guess work out of growing your new plant baby I have joined forces with…

  • Plants

    How to Make Aroid Soil

    Time to repot your Aroid? This simple recipe will assist you in making Aroid a quick draining, moisture retaining soil mix. I have found that using a 2:2:1:1:1 mixture provides the best mix of draining and moisture. That means we…

  • Blog

    The Tale of the Undead Orchid

    How I saved, killed and saved an orchid. The Save I work at one of those open offices where there are no cubical or offices, just desks pushed together, I was walking through looking at all the trinkets people leave…

  • Blog

    5 Beautiful Vine Plants

    Cascading vines add that jungle feel to your home. Here are 5 beautiful vine plants to get your indoor green living space started. 1.Pothos Who doesn’t love a pothos plant, they are easy to take care of, they grow quickly…

  • Blog

    How to Propagate a Syngonium

    The easy guide to propagating a Syngonium Weather you have a white butterfly, a neon allusion or an albo, this is the easy step by step guide to propagating a Syngonium. Collect your Supplies Only a few supplies are needed…

  • Plants

    How to Propagate a Monstera Adansonii

    How to Propagate a Monstera Adansonii Monstera Adansonii are vine plants which make them extremely easy to propagate. You’ll need just a few things; A node cutting Clean sharp sheers Container full of water Lets get started! Locate a node.…

  • Blog

    How to Fight a Spider Mite Invasion

    How to fight a spider mite invasion and win! Getting mites can feel like a death sentence to your plants but it doesn’t have to be. I fought the mites and won, so can you! To fight the invasion you…

  • Blog,  Plants

    How to Revive Caladium Bulbs

    Spring is here are you ready to revive your sleeping caladium bulbs, lets get started! Let It Rest If you have a happy blooming Caladium congrats! It will stay bloomed until the fall or when the temperature drops below around…

  • Blog

    5 Amazing Plants You Should Buy Right Now

    Looking for some new plants but don’t know where to start? The Sills got your back, with 5 amazing plant you should buy right now. I hope you love these plants I recommend! Just so you know, I may collect…

  • Plants

    Easymode: Pothos

    Pothos are one of the easiest houseplants. They come in many varieties, colors and shapes. This care guide will cover all the basics so you can find one you like and get growing! Where its from The common houseplant Epipremnum…