The Tale of the Undead Orchid
How I saved, killed and saved an orchid. The Save I work at one of those open offices where there are no cubical or offices, just desks pushed together, I was walking through looking at all the trinkets people leave…
Easy Mode: African Violet
The easy guide to caring and growing an African Violet The African violet has gotten a reputation as being an outdated, old lady plant. However, this plant is a beautiful addition to any home and with the right care will…
Easy Mode: Monstera Deliciosas
Easy Monstera Deliciosa care guide from water to light we put growth in easy mode The Monstera Deliciousa its a big, green, beautiful plant that has been seen on everything from socks to head bands to wallpaper. This plant is…
5 Easy House Plants
Easy house plants that anyone can grow If you are looking to add some green to your home or just want a happy house plant here are 5 easy house plants to get you started. Snake Plant/ Mother-in-laws tongue This…